Monday, September 16, 2013

An Irresistible Offer

For the first time in my adult life, I am relatively unemployed… and loving it!! Anyone who knows me would never expect to hear those words grace my mouth, but it’s true!

After close to four years of working at the devil’s house, as my dear friend Candice calls it, they offered me something I could not resist – a severance package!!! To give a little bit of background, my sister worked for this company for about a year and a half before I was hired. I ping-ponged back and forth between loving working there and absolutely hating working there! About a year ago, the fired 10% of the company, and my sister was one of those who was let go, with no notice or severance.

After taking the day off (my boss was really understanding, everyone knew that Karlye was my sister and we would spend quite a bit of time at work together), I realized that I needed to get my skinny ass in gear and finish my degree so that I would be prepared should the same fate await me! I doubled up in classes and finished my last class for my bachelor’s degree about a year later.

The company offered the severance just ten days after I finished my degree, and the Thursday prior to that? I was at my parents house telling them how frustrated I was working there, and felt that I had no choice but to start looking for employment elsewhere. Can you say perfect timing???

It was sad to leave, but so refreshing. My outlook on life exploded with positivity and I was so excited at all of the possibilities! I let myself enjoy a few weeks of fun in the sun & enjoying summer with the carefree abandon of a kid – except I have money and I can legally drink!!!!

Somehow I also managed to snag the most wonderful, caring, attractive and awesome boyfriend I could have ever imagined (and boy did I try to imagine a fantastic guy!).

However, the job search left me pretty disillusioned. The only ‘legit’ job offer I received was for a customer service rep position that would have had me battling north county traffic every morning and night, and getting paid pretty poorly for the pleasure.

And THEN I discovered Lyft!!! It’s a ride-sharing service, similar to cabs, but eleventy-hundred times awesomer, and about 30% cheaper. Plus, I build my own schedule, get to meet interesting people, and drive around the city as a glorified tour guide? Heaveeeeeen!

Although, the last few days I’ve found myself feeling anxious and stressed; and I think it’s because this is the most unorthodox job I’ve held as an adult, living on my own, with big scary bills to pay. And the uncertainty makes me feel vulnerable, which isn’t always comfortable!

That being said, I can’t imagine a better scenario, while I try to figure out what on earth I want to do with my life. The wonderful new man in my life has a job that he truly enjoys, and I’d be flat-out lying if I said that didn’t intimidate me at least a little. But then I remind myself that I’m on my own journey, and it’s not like I’m freeloading! I’m making my situation work for me, and being positive about the whole thing… not to mention industrious! When push comes to shove, you just have to work with what you’ve got.