Tuesday, February 25, 2014

I just wanna...

What is it about being sick in bed for days that is such a strong motivator for strange new urges in life? Today, it's been running. For the record, I despise running! Quite a bit! But being cooped up is making me want to do all sorts of things. In particular I want to cook - of course not good things that would help me recover, like soup (thank GOD I made some last week!). Instead I want to bake layer cakes and crunchy, gooey cookies with caramel and coconut.

This is one helluva cold I've got on my hands! I'm feeling better today, but I'm still taking it easy. Thanks to my sweet, sweet boyfriend, I'm staying at his place while I recover so at least I'm not bored. The only thing worse than being sick is being sick with no cable or internet. One of his roommates was so so sweet yesterday and brought me a new box of tissues along with zinc lozenges and vitamin c and motrin PM to help me sleep at night. I have to remember to do something nice to thank him when I'm better!

On an entirely unrelated note, I've been spending a lot of time thinking about what I want to do with my life. It's a little tough for me because the only thing I've ever said I wanted to be when I grew up was a mom, and a teacher. My mom was a teacher growing up and I remember her telling me that I didn't want to be a teacher because they don't make much money, which is true! And the reality is that if I followed that dream, I probably would have been laid off by now. It seems that I am always hearing about teacher lay offs and that it is damn near impossible to get a job as a teacher.

And the reality is that when you say that you want to be a mom when you grow up, people are taken aback, as if you've just announced that you want to be a bank robber. It makes it tough to just announce it and let people judge as they will. But I can't help it if I love running a household, and arts and crafts are fun for me, and that the thought of being responsible for raising someone to be a responsible, caring productive member of society fills me with unimaginable joy. Sorry, not sorry!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Okay, Okay I get it already!!

I should have stuck with what was working and continued avoiding gluten forever! So far, I have gotten sick at least once a month - how nuts is that?? This time, I have been struck down with a cold, and boooooy am I miserable.

I'm combating it with rest, Apple Cider Vinegar in water, soup, vitamin C, and did I mention water, because I'm drinking a tonnnnn. Sadly, I haven't been able to nap much today, not for lack of trying or opportunity! I simply wasn't sleepy. Odd for me - usually I sleep a bunch when sick, so in all of this free time, I've just been enjoying junky TV & puppy snuggles. When I can wrangle him for snuggles, anyway!

So, lesson learned! If you want to stay healthy, stick with what you know works for you. Otherwise, you will find yourself with a pounding head, sore throat and at least one whole day spent shivering in bed! If you are truly lucky, you will have an adorable pup to keep you company.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

It's happening, you guys!

Boo-yaaaaaaaaah what's up SQUAT CHALLENGE?! I am going to dominate you! SO I have been utterly failing at working out, writing regularly... basically anything that required me to do something at a prescribed time or regular interval! I was chatting with my friend Aly and discovered we both want to get back in shape but haven't been doing so well, and we decided to take on this 30-day squat challenge together. This is something that she has completed before (props to her!), and something that I tried, but stopped after 8 days... because I forgot to continue!

I also want to work on my arms, so we decided we will incorporate shoulder presses with weights, as well as another weighted arm movement for the kick-involving squats, since we feel the least steady during those.

I can't wait to start this with her tonight and successfully finish out the month! This means I need to stop by my place on my way to B's house & pick up weights and a few other things.

We decided that we also want to keep this up and start a new challenge when this one is completed! Anyone want to join (Candice, I'm looking at youuuu!)?? The more accountability, the better!

I had the best night last night. B was out of town for the first half of this week and I didn't realize just how much of a grump I was being all week till he came home! It was so great to catch up. We went to dinner at PB Alehouse & had a drink after and talked about all kinds of things! He recently read an article about a couple that built a small, but functional home & one of the quotes that really resonated with both of us was about how this couple really spent a lot of time going out and having fun because they weren't tied down to typical household chores and maintenance. This is something that I LOVE. My place is so perfect for things like that because when it comes down to it, even a deep cleaning takes an hour - tops! That's a high priority for me because I would rather be out spending time with the people that I love.