Ahh the holidays! Cheery music, steaming mugs of coffee and stories about good samaritans. For some people, it isn't tough to be wonderfully happy during the holidays. For others, it can be quite the opposite. I consider myself incredibly blessed in life, and while there was plenty of potential for sadness this year, I didn't allow it to take over! My dad and step-mom spent the holidays in Canada with her sister, and my brother and sister-in-law left for Hawaii on Christmas day. My Christmas eve was spent curled up with a book and plenty of redbox movie rentals. And you know what?
I loved it!
Sure, it was far from a traditional Christmas Eve, but it was a chance for me to take a less than awesome situation and change the way I think about it. I have such a loving, caring group of individuals that I call my family (which includes my closest friends!) and they love me regardless of whether they spend a holiday with me. Christmas day was a whirlwind of time spent with two dear friends' families. I spent the afternoon driving up to San Marcos where I got to eat fried turkey. After dinner, I drove back to San Diego to pick my roommate up from the airport. We got caught up and then I headed over to another friends house.
There, I got to eat a second dinner with old friends! I've known Briana since middle school. We've had our disagreements over the years, but I really cherish our friendship. Spending the holidays with her family is always interesting. They are like a second family to me, so champagne was flowing while we all helped to put dinner on the table, and after, Briana and I squeezed in some much needed girl time in the hot tub! I was finally able to deliver an apology that was 4 years in coming. Pride can be so destructive, and I'm so glad I finally got over myself! I have a very tough time having hard conversations, and when the going gets tough I have a nasty habit of cutting my ties and bolting as fast as I can. I'm working on changing it, and the first step was apologizing to those who deserve it!
Welp - back to the grind for me! The holidays never seem to last long enough, do they?