as a coincidence. I don't know that I fall unequivocally into this
category, but I'm not too far from it! I believe that everything happens
for a reason. You are meant to learn some lesson, or meet someone, or have
a life-changing experience with every encounter you have.
A few years ago, I received an email that was very clearly a forwarded
receipt for a pattern someone had purchased, with a question for the
vendor. The only problem is that I have never sold a pattern in my life!
However, a very nice lady by the name of Vanessa Christenson sells them by
the bushel! And we share the same email address with a one letter variance.
I emailed the woman right back to let her know of her mistake and then
wandered over to this woman's blog.
I mean, if she's awesome enough to practically share my name, I want to
know more about her! The coincidences seemed to pile up by the minute, both
of us from southern California, she was living in Iowa at the time which is
where my family is originally from, and she was married to a military man
[I was dating a military man at the time]. I emailed her on a lark and we
had a quick little email chat. Overall, it was a pleasant, interesting
Her blog is of the crafty variety. Over the next few years, I
started to get closer to my wonderful grandmother who is an expert
seamstress [side note: Grandma wanted to be a clothing designer, but then
got married and raised kids instead.] and learned a very very little bit
about patterns, etc. Fast forward to the last few months. Sadly, Grandma's
eyesight has deteriorated so that she is unable to sew and graciously
gifted me with her beloved Bernina [henceforth known as Bernie the Bernina!
I know, my originality astounds you!]. I have no excuse not to find the
time to learn how to use Bernie, especially considering the curtains that
desperately need hemming in my room! If I step on them one more time
and pull the wire out of the wall I don't think my dad will help me put it
in again!!
I also recently developed the resolve to start blogging for reals. It's a
scary thought - putting your thoughts and yourself out there for all
to judge! Through a work project, I found the motivation to start this blog
- or so I thought! Turns out, I loved brainstorming, but was so scared I
was having a really tough time actually getting started.
Then I get this picture message on my cell phone from a number I don't
recognize, and I automatically think how funny would it be if that were the
same fabric Vanessa designed for Moda!
I took a closer look and what do you know! I took that as the universe saying Hey! We could use some of your perspective out here in the good ole interwebs so get your butt in gear!