So naturally, I am writing instead! Being new to blog-writing, but as a long-time blog reader is an interesting experience. I know that the blogs I enjoy reading the most have a pretty solid mix of serious posts and funny posts, make good use of photos and also post fairly regularly. Blog reading is my most frequent time-killing activity, and always leaves me inspired to do more, give more, be better and encourage others to do the same. That is, as long as they post often! This is the most common denominator amongst my favorite blogs.
So, I'm making an effort to keep that same balance present on my page, but it is really hard for me to be a judge of my own work. Most days it is also really hard to override the judgmental voice in my head telling me that every part of this is an exercise in arrogance!
But, I'm sticking with it, because I am enjoying it so very, very much :)
In other news, my roommate and I are dealing with the aftermath of termite tenting. Well, for now it's just me since she is visiting family up in Nor Cal. But, she will be home soon and will be dealing with it, too! As I stated previously, I am definitely a hippie, so the thought of exposing myself to such a large concentration of chemicals does not make me happy! I don't care how much proof you have that the chemicals don't leave a residue - you are NUTS if you think I am not going to spend the next few days deep-cleaning the apartment while I spend nights at my parent's house. It's a chemical that kills bugs for Pete's sake! I know that the tent increases concentration, etc but I'll be cleaning for my own peace of mind.
I started with gathering all of the items that need to be washed, blankets, pillow covers etc. Basically, anything that wasn't in a cabinet or drawer I plan on washing. Perhaps even what was in the drawers (that just depends on how OCD I am about the whole situation!), but for now I'll just be doing the immediate needs.
So, I was told that I would need to be on the premises for the gas and electric company to turn the gas back on. And that they would arrive between 10AM and 6PM. Yep. an 8 hour window! I waited for a few hours and then remembered lunch plans so I left a note letting him know where the key would be & when I returned he was relighting the pilots. He did let me know that unfortunately, there was an issue that prevented him from relighting the water heater. Even more unfortunate is the fact that this is the same issue that was 'solved' back in June. Sadly, the current owner is just about completely unresponsive to fixing anything.
The good news is that we are doing all of this ridiculousness because we are very close to having a new owner for the building (and really, I hope it isn't possible for them to be worse than the current owner!). The bad news is that I just have to wait for a response from the property manager. Thank goodness, my wonderful parents are happy to have me stay with them for another night, and then they are taking off for Toronto and I'll be house and cat sitting again.
The good news is that we are doing all of this ridiculousness because we are very close to having a new owner for the building (and really, I hope it isn't possible for them to be worse than the current owner!). The bad news is that I just have to wait for a response from the property manager. Thank goodness, my wonderful parents are happy to have me stay with them for another night, and then they are taking off for Toronto and I'll be house and cat sitting again.
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