Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sick day!

Well, by the time I was ready for bed last night, I could tell I had something coming on. I tried my usual tricks – drinking tons of water with lemons squeezed into it, doubled up on my probiotics, and ate cinnamon mixed with raw local honey (I usually just eyeball it, probably around one tablespoon of honey with ½ tablespoon of cinnamon. I prefer it to be a pretty thick paste, so adjust the ratio to suit your preferences!).

Sadly, it didn’t work! It took me about an hour and a half to fall asleep, partially because I was so angry at a certain coworker of mine who repeatedly comes into work incredibly sick because they ‘can’t afford not to work’, which is really just a subtle way of saying I prioritize my financial needs above your health!

So mayyyybe I’m still a little upset about that – but I’m not angry anymore which is saying something! I was terribly upset to miss out on an informational session at work about Toastmasters. I’ve been looking forward to it for weeks – and the one time I get sick just has to be that day! Ah well, luckily my friend Charlie is already a part of it so he said he would fill me in. That’s the other part of it! Charlie and I were going to grab dinner at True Food, catch up and maybe go dancing. I was so looking forward to it, but I don’t want to expose anyone to this so I’m quarantined for the time being!

My doctor apparently doesn’t work on Wednesdays, so I decided to make what the Internets have dubbed as ‘Nature’s Flu Shot.’  

You need the following:

Juice from 6 lemons
1 clove of garlic
2 tsp ginger powder
2 Tbsp honey
3 Cups pineapple juice
¼ tsp cayenne pepper
Blender or food processor

Blend it all together, store in a glass container and drink 1 cup four times a day until you feel better. I wanted to use fresh ginger – even went to the store, but they were all out! I also had a hard time finding pineapple juice, so I got frozen pineapple chunks instead.

It definitely packs a punch, and it’s a bit surprising when you are drinking it! It tastes sweet at first, then the garlic flavor hits and then the heat creeps in at the end! I also added lemon zest from three of the lemons – there is no WAY I was about to waste the zest from 6 lemons! I froze the zest from the remaining three in individual plastic wrap packets.

I realized that I had all of the makings for bone broth, so I tossed some beef, chicken and turkey bones into the crockpot and filled it with filtered water. I also added all of the cloves from a head of garlic, and some shallots. I meant to pick up celery, carrots and onion at the store but my sick brain completely forgot! 


Well, my sick brain also shut down shortly after writing this! I woke up this morning feeling worse, so I called my doctor (a really awesome doctor who is open to homeopathic remedies!) who unfortunately, wasn’t available! They were able to schedule me in with another doctor in the same practice so I’ll be going in shortly.

I’m thinking this is a cold, or sinus infection. I guess I’ll find out soon enough!! I just put my bone broth into jars, and I gotta say… that stuff doesn’t exactly smell good! I’m hoping without the bones, once it cools down it’ll smell better J


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