Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New beginnings!

I had my first Crossfit Fundamentals class on Monday! Nichole DeHart is our coach & it’s a relatively small class, just four of us total. There was an intern (Jake, I think?) helping out as well. We started by stepping outside for brief intros and to set expectations. Two of the other newbies live within walking distance – jealous! It made me realize that I’m probably one of the lower-income members. Not that that has much relevance, but an interesting observation.

The first thing we did was get on some foam rollers and roll out our quads and T-bands. My T-bands are always so tight, so that was a great way to start. We moved on to the “erg’s” or rowing machines. I’ve used a rowing machine before, but my form was a little lacking! We did some lunges without weights, then grabbed barbells & did some with. I find that doing lunges with weights helps my form a lot! The easiest way for me to bear the additional weight was through proper form, so that’s pretty cool.

In preparation for push-ups, we all got into plank, which always makes me glad I’ve done so much yoga! I’m pretty weak, so after a few normal push-ups, I moved to a variation, using a barbell at about 2.5 feet off the ground. The other girl in class did the same. I was able to complete so many push-ups this way! By the end of each set I was definitely struggling, so I know it wasn’t too easy.

The last thing we did was a short 12-minute workout. AMRAP (As Many Reps As Possible – look at me, pickin up on CF lingo already!) 60 seconds rowing, 60 seconds pushups, 60 seconds reverse lunges with weights and 60 seconds rest. We did three rounds, and I loved it! I know this is a total baby, beginner crossfit workout, but it was a fantastic way to start. I felt challenged, but not discouraged.

Nichole has a such a personality! You can tell she is a happy, positive person – which I love! It is so important to surround yourself with positive people and is something I’ve been working on.

Odd sidenote – I was doing dishes this morning, and I was slouching so much I could see my shoulders curving inward in my peripheral vision. I’ve decided from now on, if my shoulders are in my peripheral vision, I’ll automatically shift them back to encourage better posture!

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