Monday, October 28, 2013


Do you ever just sit back and realize that your life is finally falling into place? Or at least that you love the direction it’s taking and you can take a deep breath, relax and keep pushing on for more! I got a job with a dream of a company, I have a wonderful boyfriend who just got the sweetest dog!

In other news, I need to stay the fuck away from baby blogs! Since everything else in my life seems to be coming together, I seem to be dreaming big! Which means that all of a sudden I have an entirely unrealistic mental list of things I want RIGHT NOW THIS SECOND, like a baby, a husband and a house.

…um V, let’s just get through one full week of work at your new job first? And then maybe be dating your awesome man for a year before you go wishing you had more? YEESH.

I find it really fascinating that as soon as you get what you want, you start wishing you had more. Obviously, we wouldn’t have as many wonderful developments in life without this constant striving for more, but I could do with a little more enjoyment of what you have in the moment. 

So that's my current goal! Enjoy exactly what I have right now more than wishing I had more. Because life is currently pretty damn amazing. If you had told me six months ago that right now I would have a loving boyfriend (who is gainfully employed at a job that he genuinely enjoys?!) with a sweet puppy, and would be starting a new job in marketing at a company whose perks somewhat resemble those of freaking Google?! I'd tell you that you were smoking some high-quality crack cocaine. 

I guess it just goes to show that when you take big, scary chances in life, and push beyond your comfort level, it can be incredibly rewarding!

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