Thursday, February 6, 2014

It's happening, you guys!

Boo-yaaaaaaaaah what's up SQUAT CHALLENGE?! I am going to dominate you! SO I have been utterly failing at working out, writing regularly... basically anything that required me to do something at a prescribed time or regular interval! I was chatting with my friend Aly and discovered we both want to get back in shape but haven't been doing so well, and we decided to take on this 30-day squat challenge together. This is something that she has completed before (props to her!), and something that I tried, but stopped after 8 days... because I forgot to continue!

I also want to work on my arms, so we decided we will incorporate shoulder presses with weights, as well as another weighted arm movement for the kick-involving squats, since we feel the least steady during those.

I can't wait to start this with her tonight and successfully finish out the month! This means I need to stop by my place on my way to B's house & pick up weights and a few other things.

We decided that we also want to keep this up and start a new challenge when this one is completed! Anyone want to join (Candice, I'm looking at youuuu!)?? The more accountability, the better!

I had the best night last night. B was out of town for the first half of this week and I didn't realize just how much of a grump I was being all week till he came home! It was so great to catch up. We went to dinner at PB Alehouse & had a drink after and talked about all kinds of things! He recently read an article about a couple that built a small, but functional home & one of the quotes that really resonated with both of us was about how this couple really spent a lot of time going out and having fun because they weren't tied down to typical household chores and maintenance. This is something that I LOVE. My place is so perfect for things like that because when it comes down to it, even a deep cleaning takes an hour - tops! That's a high priority for me because I would rather be out spending time with the people that I love.

1 comment:

  1. I would be down with joining y'all next month. If I can do the workouts in my house, I would have a better success rate! As for the writing, I feel that we have both done a great job. It would be great to write everyday; however, I don't always have something to write about everyday. I feel as long as I write at least 3 times a week, I am keeping up! Weigh in and cheat day tomorrow for me. I am more excited than a little kid on Christmas Eve lol! Did you ever finish with your place?
