Friday, December 14, 2012

Tragedy strikes...

And my response is just like this guy's:


As the day goes on, I can tell when more information is being released based on peoples' reactions around me. And each time this happens someone turns to me about to say something, I rush out the following words before they can speak:

I don't want to know.

And as I go through the day productively working, and listening to Christmas music (too morbid when juxtaposed with whats happening?) I can't help but feel like a complete jerk.

It's not that I don't care, in reality it is quite the opposite. I know myself, and one of my wonderful qualities includes being extremely empathetic toward others. This means that paying attention to this tragedy will result in me crying the day away and dealing with the emotional aftermath for days and weeks beyond. I know that my feelings will in no way match those of the families affected by this travesty, but I also know that if I get wrapped up in this, I won't be helping anyone at all. I will only be doing damage to my own emotional state, not to mention all of the work I would NOT be doing.

I think that I'm not being an asshole. I think my self-preservation is kicking in and taking care of me.

Regardless of my own reactions (or lack thereof), my thoughts and prayers do remain with the families of those affected by the terrible shooting that occurred in Connecticut today. Words can never express the pain and suffering they are going through.

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