Monday, January 20, 2014

On Consumption

This morning I find myself thinking about the act of consuming. When I stop and think of all of the advantages I have and have had in life, it is astonishing how much I consume mindlessly! For the most part, I'm a responsible consumer when it comes to clothes - I buy when I need new ones, because my old ones are worn out and need replacing. Every once in a while I will indulge in a purchase just because I want to, but for the most part, it's out of necessity. In terms of food however, I'd like to challenge myself to think more about why I am reaching for a snack, or a drink etc. More often than not - particularly at work! (helloooooo free snacks and drinks!) - I find myself eating and drinking things that I wouldn't be consuming if I had to pay for them. Drinking something sugary and empty instead of just plain old water. Which is just silly because I used to prefer water to most anything, but when you work at a desk all day long, things can get boring. Sometimes it's easy to change things up with a sugary drink or snack, but I've been so unhappy with my state of being lately! 

I know I haven't written nearly as much as I should have! I'd love to write excuses about how busy work has been and life, etc - but no one wants to hear excuses! I think I also haven't been writing because I'm faltering on my challenge to eat non-paleo for 6 months. Since eating gluten more, I have been much more phlegm-y & sneezy (which is precisely why I tried paleo in the first place, and it did wonders reducing my allergies!), my digestive tract has been waaaay off course, and I'm also concerned about my teeth & mineral absorption. Or rather, lack thereof! I've always had very cavity prone teeth & this is something that also improved with paleo. I have to get one or two fillings next week and an inlay replaced the following week and I'm worried that eating gluten again will have a negative impact. Which also means spending a whole bunch of cash on my teeth again. 

In retrospect, perhaps six months is too long for my experiment... but I'm just trying my best to keep an open mind & heart. 

I spent time with two of my best girlfriends this weekend. Hung out with Aly Saturday, we met Karlye and Silas at Isabel's Cantina with the pup & had some delicious food. I had a few returns to make so we spent the whole afternoon together. Silas is so adorable - I can't believe he will be 4 in March! Sunday I met up with Kim & got to see her adorable daughters - I absolutely have to make more time for them, her oldest didn't even recognize me!

I'm really trying hard to prioritize myself more these days - it's tough to break the habits you've had ingrained in you for so long!

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