Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Today was a good day! I took the pup to work with me, which always makes my day better & I'm cooking a yummy dinner with my man. One of my coworkers gave me a mango & coconut milk 'mai tai' sauce, so we sauteed onions, bell peppers and tomatos added the sauce, chicken and cooked up some rice - wow! I love it when you can use one store bought item to supplement a meal to make it more flavorful & stretch further.

I finally feel like I have caught up on my rest. Ever since we came back from Boston I have felt so sleepy, so it's a relief to feel rested again.

I made an appointment to go check out the gym that is affiliated with my employer for Thursday, so that is exciting - AND tomorrow I'm going dancing with my friend Cassy! She has always wanted to learn how to lindy hop, so this month were taking the class together. Plus we're getting food & drinks before, which will be fun too.

I have to say, I am really loving writing and having a blog accountability buddy - Thanks Candice!! Couldn't do it without ya!